
AlAbbasi Adel


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Executive Summary

Dr. Adel AlAbbasi has more than 30 years of experience in working across all sectors of the energy industry.AlAbbasi has been recognized as the   leader for Kuwait’s energy industry for Technology and Research.


Al-Abbasi has a Masters and PhD in Reservoir fluid and heat simulation Modeling from Bath University and a Bachelor in Science in Engineering from University of Miami

Prior Experience

 - KPC’s Deputy Manager Director of R&D

- Originator of R&T Group in Kuwait Energy industry and first Manager

-Head of Planning Strategic Team, KOC Planning Group

-Head of Information System, KOC

-Establish  & Head of the first KOC Reservoir-Management.


  • Examples of Relevant Experience

  • Visionary & Architect of KWidf (Kuwait Digital integrator Field) This project is far beyond what the industry standard projects (Digital Oil Field ). KwIDF is consider as a game-changer” that will transfer E&P to digital organization constructed on collaborations layout.
  • Originator and Project leader of various KOC and KPC major R&T projects that produced today R&T processes and methodology.
  • Designer of KOC-USC Graduate programm that may consider as the foundation the future “Center of Excellent” for Kuwait energy sector.
  • KOC Project leader of E&P Re-organization this model is considered by KOC as the future model for major organization.
  • Leader of KPC’s Alterative energy committee that generates major solar energy projects and introduce Alternative energy Roadmap for the next 10 years.
  • Play a leading role on the new KPC NET project: Led KPC restructuring for New Energy International investment
  • Plan and implement a major JV and consortia relationship with major universities and RD centers with budget exceeded $100 million
  • Develop and implement R&T Roadmap for O&G industry
  • Introduced new system to measure the Research and technology value based on Cluster concept.
  • Manage major E&P and R&T projects that generated an average of $500 millions per year  
  • Introduce the first knowledge management concept (people link) for KOC and developed KM computer model that rewarded by ME Microsoft as the best   Corporate KM for the year
  • leading E&P Information management
  • Play a major role on E&P Strategy since 1995: Defined industry vision and major strategy directions
  • Participated on OPEC Advisory Boards from the classification of oil types to the latest R&D OPEC JV projects
  • Participated on Papers, as Speaker & Delegate in many major conferences and seminars regionally and globally.