Hydrocarbon is one of our greatest natural resources.Global oil production reached 87 million b/d, and have been growing steadily over the last decades.
Currently, Oil producing organization are facing a number of challenges. Those challenges can be classified as internal (within the organization as a whole) and external (beyond the organization direct control) as shown on hereunder Fig-1.
External challenges, which are challenges of political, price instability, secure supply, and environmental press.
Internal Challenges are a set of changes that directly influence the efficiency and the productivity of the organization in the production operations, reservoir management, organization structures, and timely doubting the optimum technology and continuously searching for the next capability.
the actions to balance these two forces (internal and external) are linked directly to the health of the oil industries. The leaders of oil organizations have to walk the thin line between these challenges to create the expected wealth for the producer countries and the stakeholders, as well as, to meet the increasing world's demand for cheaper and reliable energy.
The Objective:
the objective of the writeup (Think-Tank, book, Blog, and web-page) is to focus on the internal solutions with clear dependency on "Integrated Digital Oil Organization" concept. A concept that builds on "People-technology" interlink organization as a solver to the cost reduction reserves incremental and production enhancement. this book is not structured to be step-by-step or "For Dummies" style, it is organized on sharing your knowledge and help other and your organization in shaping your future organization
Writeup methodology
The document is formatted deliberately on "collaboration writing" concept, therefore, I would like to gather the top of the "Digital Oil Field or smart field, field of the future etc.." leaders, executors and observers to share their visions, wisdom, insight experiences and personal time.
Collaborative Writing process
Based on "collaborative writing" concept the "Integrated Digital Oil Organization" document will be developed.
First, What is collaborative writing?
The term collaborative writing refers to projects where written works are created by multiple people together (collaboratively) rather than individually. Some projects are overseen by an editor or editorial team, but many grow without any oversight. It is our hope that we will find productive diversity among the collaborative writers that will enrich this vital subject for the oil organization and the world energy.
our Strategy
here are several of degrees of collaboration in authoring. our approach is a single author who through discussion with and review in sequential order by colleagues produces a document
Adel AlAbbasi will be the coordinator of the group. the coordinator role is as follows:
- The coordinator drafts the project into manageable sections with coherence order, for example, PJart-I The concept, Part-II The Elements and Part-III Implementation
- For each part and sub-chapters, he composes the discussion for the members for review and comments.
- each member prepares his or her part addressing the current part. specific time constraint will be proposed to the response.
- then the coordinator compiles the individual contributions and revises the current document as needed.
As stated the first role of the coordinator is to design the primary layout of the book. The second responsibility is initiating the write-up of each chapter and define the challenges where the members may contribute to reaching the best answer. Introduction/objective section
The following is the book Table 0f Contents
Part-I Introduction
- Keywords: 50% of the problem is attributed to word with multi-definition, and the other 50% is attributed to Definition assigned to different words. Therefore we should agreed on single reference dictionary for this project.
- The Concept
Part- II. The Elements
I believe that a successful IDOO large or small must be built on the seven elements in order to withstand and thrive. The seven elements of IDOO may be installed on a periodic method (what I called Start-Smart not Small) with a clear blueprint to integrate all the elements at a certain timeline.
Each Element should be thoroughly composed and evaluated as a solo, as well as, an integral part of the total IDOO representation. Once the elements are clearly established and running efficiently based upon Right-Time-Business-Cycle decision (and not day-to-day or quarterly decision making). The Seven-Element E's are People: The first ‘E’ is perhaps the most important one.
- The Vision & Strategy Element: Integrated Digital Oil Organization journey start with "The vision" of the new future. The leaders should share the vision with the people in all levels.
- People Element: (is perhaps the most important one)
- Smart-Machine Element: (even though the name is not accurate, it is the common industrial terminology today). Smart tool is not AI (Artificial-Intelligent) machine, it is a machine made to be part of the Man-Machine information and communication layout in Integrated Digital Oil Organization (IDOO).
- Space & Environmental Element: This element may sound less important to be part of IDOO elements. We are convinced that people surrounding and environment have great influence on human collaboration, behavior, creativity, and competence and that what we call active space. The homogeneous space and design are vital to this concept and future IDOO project. Today, We cannot change people nature and physical limitations, however, we can provide an environment that excels his, here physical restriction.
- Data & Network Element:
- Workflow & Knowledge Element: Intentionally, I separated this chapter form “Data and Information” chapter, because the workflow is a vital part of the concept. The fact, that this concept new and structured around the decision making "Right-Time-Decision-cycle" of the whole organization,
Traditional DOF workflow automation systems are good for processes that are predictable and repeatable. However, the new concept is structured on the integration technology and collaboration of people of the whole organization.
the new workflows are dynamic and coupled strongly with other workflows to adapt to situations that unfold in real time. a new approach to a workflow that offers the better way to support some of its most critical activities.
- Organization Element: The E&P organization will need new business units to execute the IDOO vision. These include the new type of people, and tools and business models.
Part-III. Implementation
In the short history of digital oil field piloted so far, there have been some successful stories and many failures and none real full IDOO pilot implementation. The approach of full "Integration Digital Oil Organization", IDOO, required a major organization transformation that the oil industries do not fully comprehend.
Part-I. Introduction:
1.1 Objective:
Seven Years ago, when I started to introduce KwDIF vision (Kuwait Digital Integrated Field) I visited almost all major oil companies international and national, I learned a lot, unfortunately, most of these projects were Automation project, or what It is called "start small".
Therefore, we are; collaborative writer; this internet site (Think-Tank, book, Blog) for people that starting or moving toward the full vision of building the new age of Integrated Digital Oil Organization IDOO. I hope the reader uses this information as the first block to build his IDOO's strategy, as well as, an action plan. I will try to capture all my mistakes as well the successful stories from my experiences and I hope other can share theirs as well.
“why full value realization of the full DIC fail?”. To answer this question we need to understand the elements of successful DIC. MGI DIC combines the disciplines of Technology, Organization Transformation, People Business, Leadership. Our DIC “Technology-Engineering-Business” methodology combines all on integer Workflow to reach the optimum decision in all level of the organization.
E&P organization is going through a great transformation in the next 5-10 years. In my view, are use the transformation will occur much faster than most Oil/E&P organization anticipating The drivers of the change are as follows:
1- People: people is number one drivers for the new E&P organization. the new E&P human forces are not willing to wait for weeks or even months to get the information they needed to make decisions used to the new digital world with information at the click of the figure or at the voice command. Young people are willing to start with a solution then improve it with time instead of “do it right from the first time”. Most of the today decision maker in E&P business are older than 55 years of old and the new coming management are the new human-digital generation. Social media generation and fast a doubter of new technology.
2- communication and smart tools technology: Yes, technology is a main drivers in the new E&P world however the development of communication and smart tools in the last decay execrate the implement of Human-digital business model .
3- Value creation Economical; it is obvious that the expected value created by this transformation is a strong driver