Part-III Implementation

“Do not plan for the perfect start, but rather aim for resources to fix it fast” Adel AlAbbasi.

The reality is we are never ready for new change, so imagine the changes a  full digital organization will bring.  Yes, few people believe it now the time, unfortunately, most people in your organization believe not.

In 2002, I presented a vision of a very simple digital oil organization, to the leaders committed (at that time we had very visionary leaders) with the belief that such vision meet the expectation of such leaders.   unfortunately, the meeting went very wrong. The questions I was faced with, who done it before? The risk is massive, without an explicit number on the value creation and what exact resources at each phase needed. All above questions are valid and common for a standard project. regrettably, these questions for managing current organization project. Without a doubt, the major role the leader is to create the future organization.